- Yaman Mishra
Do you have a lot of cloud-based content?
Do you rely on online services for work or play?
If so, you know how useful it can be to access your data wherever and whenever you need. But as much as we’d like to think that every service is trustworthy and secure, the reality is that some are way better than others at protecting your data. When your files are stored in the public eye, anyone can see them—and with bad actors scouring the internet for ways to pry into personal info, there’s always a risk that someone might find out what you keep in the cloud. Fortunately, this isn’t universal across all services; some are better equipped to handle security threats than others. It just takes a little research and planning to make cloud backup work for you instead of against you.
There are many reasons why cloud-based services can make your life easier, but the one thing you can count on is that there’s always a risk of a security breach. While the importance of safeguarding your data shouldn’t be minimised, it doesn’t mean you should be paranoid about it either. You can sleep peacefully at night knowing that your data is safe and secure –
If you follow this simple list of tips for making cloud backup work for you rather than against you:
-When it comes to choosing a service provider, look for one with a track record of success in the industry;
-Make sure they offer more than just cloud storage space;
-Be wary of free services;
-Keep in mind how much time and research go into securing all your data in the public eye like this, so don’t expect to get that same level of security on private files;
-Consider looking into what type of data they store and how they protect it.
What Is Cloud Backup?
Cloud storage is the process of storing data online. In a cloud storage service, you store information on a remote server, rather than having it all stored on your device or in a physical location. For instance, you might store your photos and videos in the cloud in order to access them from any internet-connected device. This is great for convenience, but there are also potential security risks when using public cloud services.
You can determine which type of services work best for your needs by taking a look at the three main types of cloud storage:
1. Personal Cloud Storage – This is where you store individual files or folders in the cloud without sharing them with third parties. You would typically use this method if you want to share some or all of your files with others while still keeping them private and secure.
2. Public Cloud Storage – This is where you share all or part of your files with other users while still retaining control over who has access to what. One drawback is that some people might see what’s contained within these private folders that aren’t shared publicly and may misuse this information against you—for example, they could spy on your communications or even steal sensitive data from these folders without ever getting caught because their actions don’t appear as suspicious to outside observers.
3. Private Cloud Storage – With this type of cloud storage, all content is kept securely within your account and not shared with anyone else.
Why do you Need Cloud Backup?
Aside from the fact that the cloud is convenient, it’s also a great way to back up what you already own. Many services offer free cloud backup for your personal content, and if you don’t want to pay for storage, you can just keep more of your files in one place. It also provides peace of mind when you’re away from home or on the go; no need to worry about how secure your data is while in transit!
So, how do you know which service will best suit your needs?
In order to make sure your data is safe and secure, consider these 4 factors:
(1) security features,
(2) privacy controls,
(3) encryption levels and
(4) how much control you have over the service.
With these key points in mind, you’ll be able to find a service that works well with your needs.
Plan for the Worst
While it’s true that most cloud-based services offer some level of security, there are always ways to make your data safer. For example, if you store your sensitive information in the same account as other personal data, like bank accounts or social media profiles, you should make sure they’re protected with two-factor authentication. This prevents cyber crime by changing your password every time you log in and requiring an additional verification step. Additionally, encrypting all your info before uploading it to the cloud is a great way to make sure none of it falls into the wrong hands.
Encrypt Everything
First and foremost, you’ll want to encrypt all your files that are in the cloud. This means turning on encryption settings in your account settings (or creating a new account altogether if you have sensitive data). It also means encrypting any files that you upload to the cloud. While this will prevent anyone from accessing your data without a password, it won’t protect you against someone who has already stolen your password. To make sure friends and family can still access your cloud-based content, set up two-factor authentication for both your online account and on-site storage. And when it comes time to update anything with sensitive information, be sure to use encryption as well. If someone knows what they need to know about a certain file in the cloud, they can find out where it is by using an internet search engine or seeing which URL includes the same file name.
Set Up Automatic Backups
You may already be doing this, but it’s worth going over how to make sure the services you use are securely storing your data. The easiest way to make sure you have a backup of your files is to let them sync automatically. This way, all your work is always backed up in separate places that you control and can access. For example, if you use NoSky for your storage, set it up so that new documents sync automatically with the cloud on a regular basis.
Wrapping Up
For some, the convenience of cloud-based data comes with a price: security. When you’re storing your information in a public space that’s visible to all, there’s always the possibility of someone hacking into it and accessing personal information without your knowledge. Fortunately, not all services are created equal when it comes to security. If you can find one that offers good security without too much hassle, then you should be on your way to making cloud backup work for you.
As with anything else in life, setting up backup plans is easier said than done. You don’t have to learn how to code or do any actual technical tasks; just follow these steps and research the services available before making a decision on which one will work best for your needs.